"With water cremation, body composting and open-air pyres, Coloradans are pioneering a new kind of death care"
"The medical mystery behind America's best-selling hair-loss drug"

"Are vasectomies the new condom?"
Prevention Magazine
"Let There Be Dark - Health hazards of excess light at night"
Women's Health
"The surprising reasons women gain weight at work" - PDF. Link.
Web MD Magazine
"What Causes Obesity? More Science Points to the Brain"

"New AI-Enhanced Bandages Poised to Transform Wound Treatment"

"Will Telehealth Save Patients Money or Drive Up Costs?"

"When Dreams Come Alive"

"Get Morning Light, Sleep Better at Night"

"The End of Alzheimer's - How new treatments might rewrite 'the long goodbye'"

"The promise and peril of a life-changing gene-splicer"

"Can fasting make you healthier and smarter?"

"Give me shelter: How homelessness is driving coronavirus"

"Why this disability activist fears CRISPR"

"Exploring the many stages of grief"

"Fountain of Youth or edible hoax?"

"Nurturing baby's microbiome"

"America's Sleepless Nights: In Pursuit of Rest"

"Being good is good for you" - PDF.

"Should men get the HPV vaccine"
Men's Journal
"Why Carbs Still Rule"

"Special Report: Are hair loss drugs safe" - PDF. Link.

"Special Report: Are hair loss drugs safe" - PDF. Link.

"How sitting is sabotaging your health" - PDF. Link.

"To run faster, slow down" - PDF. Link.

"The Case for Sunshine" - PDF. Link.
Discover Magazine
"Everything Worth Knowing about Sleep Disorders"
Scientific American
"Is Alzheimer's a form of Down syndrome?"
5280 Magazine
"The final ascent for legendary climber Jeff Lowe"

"GOING UP: Big-wall climber Jes Meiris solos The Nose" - PDF. Link.

"The Joys of Cliff Camping"

"The Long View: Inside the outlaw sport of downhill longboarding"
Runner's World
"The trouble with under-training" - PDF.

"Why you should never skip the cool-down" - PDF.

"Estes Park Marathon and Half" - PDF.

"Four fast speed workouts for any runner"

"Headline: Fat to Finish Line: How 12 obese runners slimmed down" - PDF.

"Master the Plan" - PDF.

"10 marathon mistakes to avoid" - PDF. Link.

"Time it right for peak performance"

"Double Down: Run twice in one day? You don't have to be an elite athlete to divide and conquer" - PDF. Link.

"Take Two?: You can follow a marathon with another 26.2, and soon, with careful planning" - PDF. Link.

"Mass Appeal: A good pace group can take the guesswork out of racing and get you to your goal" - PDF. Link.

"Drink it In: How to Stay Hydrated in the Backcountry" - PDF. Link.
Fit Pregnancy
"Could breast milk hold clues about your breast cancer risk?" - PDF.

"The lasting effects of depression during pregnancy"

"Bring it on - If you're overdue, can you safely speed things along on your own? Our experts weigh in."

"Natural therapies for prenatal depression"
Competitor Magazine
"Aussie Ultrarunner Circumnavigating Globe"

"Near fatal accident hasn't stopped runner Lisa Buohler"

"Active Mind race camps prep your psyche for the big race"
Natural Health Magazine
"Keep the big C at bay" - PDF. Link.

"Can"t lose the weight?" - PDF. Link.
Bicycle Magazine
"Tempt Yourself Thin"
Trail Runner
"Bonded by Miles"
Boulder Magazine
"Essay: Lessons from the Flood"
Running Times
"Go Go Girl: Dancing marathoner headed to Olympic Trials:"
Women's Adventure Magazine
"Stepping Out: One Woman's Passion for Running Creates Positive Change for the Homeless."

"Going Deep: How a journey into the Rwandan jungle helped a nervous empty-nester discover herself"
Natural Solutions
"Change your mind: Take action now to prevent dementia."

"GUT FEELING: Why your mood influences your digestion more than you think."

"The end of the period? New pills make it a possibility."
Delicious Living Magazine
"The Hormone Balance Plan"

"Hot Flash Help: New Natural Treatments Ease Menopause Symptoms"

"Too Much Salt: The Latest Dietary Outlaw"

"Longevity Secrets: Lifestyle tips from across the globe."

"Antioxidant Update: What you need to know to make the most of them" - pdf

"What's fortifying your food? The lowdown on the latest good-for-you ingredients"

Banish Bad Moods - "Drug-free approaches to combat depression"

Sleep Well - "Dawn-to-dusk tips to help you drift off easily and awaken refreshed"
Nutrition Business Journal
"Battle Against GMOs Heats Up."

"Nutritional Genomics: Field Is Growing, But Commercial Success Remains Elusive"

"U.S. Shoppers Still Loading
Up on Organics Despite Rising Sticker Shock"

"LifeVantage Corp. Aims for a Sales Comeback With its Anti-Aging Pill, Protandim"
Denver Post
"The gift of sight for a Rwandan orphan"
Boulder Daily Camera
"Rwanda: After the genocide"

"Aching for the Burn - Exercise addiction similar to drug abuse"

"Gay Seniors - Stigmas continue into golden years"

"Making Babies - Advances make the impossible possible for parents"

"Rolling Thunder - Inside the rough and tumble world of roller derby"

"Combat Zone - Ultimate fighters test mettle in steel cage"
CU Medicine Today
"Pediatrician/father explores Down Syndrome-Autism link"

"New Frontiers in Lung Cancer Treatment"

"Bionic Pancreas offers hope to young diabetics"
Boulder County Home and Garden
"GREEN AND GRACIOUS - Estes Park architect weds sustainability, tasteful design"

"The House That Binx Built" - PDF. Link.
Colorado Biz
"Prescription for Prosperity? A look inside Anschutz Medical Campus"

"THE WAL-MART EFFECT: Colorado companies green their supply chains"

"Going Digital: The promise and pitfalls of Electronic Medical Records"

"Battle of Wounded Knees: Baby Boomers fueling sports medicine bonanza"

"The Business of Dying: A look at the modern hospice"

"Rebuilding Rwanda"

"Workplace Wellness Surge"
Rocky Mountain News
"ULTRA HUMAN: A marathon? Child's play. Running 100 miles, cycling for 1,000 miles? Now we're talking."

"Out of the Box: A look at architect Charles Haertling."

"Flight School - Aerial Dance Classes heighten strength, flexibility"

"Made in Germany - Home importer turns to Europe for quality, speed"

"Family Circle - Ethiopian adoption rates soaring"
Natural Awakenings
"Do Good Feel Good: The health benefits of generosity"

"Getting kids off drugs: Natural alternatives to common prescriptions"

"An insider's guide to America's Food Revolution"

"EVERYDAY GRACE: The sacred resides in daily details"

"DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION: Raising students to think, create, initiate"

"Calming Anxious Lives: A holistic approach to battling childhood stress"